Monday, 18 January 2010


So, as today is the 18th January it is only ONE whole month before I leave the Heathrow tarmac and jet off to Accra the capital of Ghana (with one short rest in Frankfurt airport..!) I thought it would be appropriate to start my blog today!

Hopefully, throughout my six months in Ghana I will be able to update this blog as much as possible (internet providing) to fill all you lovely people in about my Ghanaian adventures :)

With the date of departure rapidly advancing I have found myself thinking a lot about my trip. I don't think I can pinpoint how I am feeling exactly because there are so many emotions that all blend together and part of me still can't believe that I am going to be doing this! (I don't think anything will actually seem real until I am alone in Heathrow airport staring at a departures board...) Numerous things keep popping into my head - some of them completely ridiculous (what will my bed be like?!) and some practical (how will I buy summery stuff when the shops are stuffed with winter stuff?). Not only have I purchased a lovely large (and no doubt what will come to be extremely heavy) rucksack but every week I am letting the nurse inject each arm with numerous concoctions that I am assured will prevent me from having to see inside of a Ghana Hospital. My fundraising total is creeping towards the £3000 mark helped along by many, many generous donations from my friends and family and many, many hard earned pennies. In fact, the only thing that kept me going through hours of minimum wage work was the determination that it was "FOR GHANA!!"

So, it's time to head off and spend my final month in a constructive manner!

Love, Sal :) xxxxx

(For those who are interested you can find more information about the charity ICYE or visit my justgiving page!)

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