Thursday, 15 April 2010

Another very visual post... :)

Dear all,

I have decided (perhaps as an act of kindness to you poor souls bored or reading my lengthy posts or prehaps because I am on Maria’s German computer and the Y and Z are the wrong way round and all punctuation is misplaced!) to make this blog a photoy one. Of course you may also be bored of my photos, but I’m taking the risk!

A little introduction may be necessary – this weekend I went to Cape Coast and Kakum National Park with a few volunteers, actually sleeping in the forest on little platform things the Saturday night. Kakum national park is famous for its canopy walk which is basically a tourist trap but pretty cool and beautiful nevertheless! Other photos I include are from the children’s home – many in fact from the afternoon work in house 3 (mixed sex, aged 3-6) I have been doing on some days. This really just entails playing with, feeding and bathing and dressing the kids and adds some nice variety! Today (Thursday) we made masks! The past two weeks at the school have been interesting as last week was holiday so they just messed around all day every day and this week bus loads of American students have been appearing every day to disrupt as they are on a “study at sea” program and are in Ghana for a week or so. The kids love it but it drives us all crazy!

I have now been in Ghana 8 weeks! I hope you enjoy the pictures. Tomorrow me and a bunch of volunteers including Anna, Lucy and Katter (and lovely Auntie Janet) are taking some of the kids to the beach!

Oh, and all the kids are sick at the moment with some type of fever - they are all boiling hot to touch and as I feel so sorry for them I just have to hug and cuddle them (today Ruth who is normally the boss of house 3 was so sad and sat on my lap for ages whimpering) ... so I fully expect to get ill soon!

Love, Sal xxxxxx

The fan ice man. They ride around on these little bikes tooting their horn so you know they are coming! They sell sweet icecream type stuff / frozen strawberry yogurt or small meat pies and sweet (ish) eggy cake type things
(above) Me and Felicia on the swings in the playground. She loves them!

Decorating the classroom - me and Kierstin (studying in Ghana)
Kids in house 3

Little Betty, who I want to take home with me!
Felicia eating her "Obama Biscuits" - they LOVE him here!
Did I mention I also want to take Felicia home with me too?!
Kiddies and me at the school after some colouring!
Yeaahhh, so they love the camera!
Me and Kattie at the beach!

Okay, so now here are some pictures from the weekend!

All us girls! Left to right: Me, Kattie, Lucy, Emily, Thea, Emma
The market from the tro tro
The beach at Cape Coast
Me in front of the Cape Coast castle
The fishing area of Cape Coast

KAKUM NATIONAL PARK: View from the canopy walk
Me on the walkway
Messing around!
Our platform! We slept in the forest on Saturday night in these platforms! We also went on a night walk with a guide which was scary but cool! The forest was sooo noisy and just full of butterflies.
On the way back to Cape Coast again we stopped at a hotel that had CROCODILES and we SAW ONE!
After Kakum we decided to go to Elmina around 20 mins away from Cape Coast to visit the old slavery castle. It was really interesting and sad, too.
Elmina is a fishing town with really beautiful boats.
Like tro tros and taxi windows with their little sayings (see previous post and the "keep on praying" tro tro!) boats clearly do too!!

On Elmina beach we met a lovely girl, Monica, selling watermelons!

And her friend, who was selling oranges!

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